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NYC Fire Code And FDNY Rules Require A G-TEC Torch Booster With Piped Natural Gas
What do the Fire Code and and Fire Department Rules require NYC jewelers to do?
Fire Department regulations in New York City require jewelers to do 2 things -
Install combination flashback arrestor check valves on torches connected to piped natural gas and,
Torches connected to piped natural gas must have a pressure supply of at least 5 psi and not more than 15 psi
SECTION FC 2609: Piping Manifolds And Hose Systems For Fuel Gases And Oxygen
2609.1 General - The use of piping manifolds, protective equipment and hose systems in oxygen-fuel gas systems, including natural gas supplied from a utility for use in an oxygen-fuel gas system, shall be designed in accordance with Section FC 2609,
Chapter 30 and NFPA 51.
2609.1 General - When piped natural gas is used with oxygen in any hot work operation a listed protective device that serves as a combination flashback arrestor and backflow check valve shall be provided at an approved location on both the natural gas and oxygen supply lines to ensure safe operation of all devices, equipment and systems, including the utility gas meter. Where the pressure of the piped natural gas supply is insufficient to ensure such safe operation, approved equipment shall be provided between the gas meter and the fuel consuming appliance that increases pressure to the level required for such safe operation. Not withstanding and section of this code to the contrary, such flashback arrestors and check valves, and pressure increasing equipment, shall be installed as components of both new and existing installations.
Fire Department Rules
To read the entire document go to http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/fdny/downloads/pdf/about/fdny-rules.pdf then at the menu on the left find Section 2609-01, pages 472 and 473, or read it here:
Section 2609-01 Piped Natural Gas and Oxygen Consuming Devices and Installations
(a)Scope. This section sets forth standards, requirements and procedures for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of devices and installations utilizing piped natural gas and oxygen, including torches used in the manufacture of jewelry. This section shall apply to both new and existing devices and installations.
(e) Design and Installation Requirements
(3) Pressure booster. When the natural gas supply pressure is less than five (5) psig a pressure booster shall be provided to increase pressure to at least five (5) psig, but not more than 15 psig.
(4) Flashback arrester and check valve. A UL listed combination flashback arrestor and backflow check valve shall be installed:
(A)On the oxygen supply line, between the final oxygen supply pressure regulator and each fuel consuming device
(B)On the natural gas supply line, between the final natural gas supply pressure regulator and the fuel consuming devices.
(f) Operational Requirements
(1) Natural gas supply pressure. Natural gas pressure supplied to a device shall not exceed 15 psig, and the oxygen supply pressure to a device shall not exceed the natural gas supply pressure.
Questions? - Call the Fire Department at 718-999-1510
Why A Flashback Arrestor Is Required And A Check Valve Is Insufficient
Many jewelers think that by having a check valve on their torches
they are protected from a torch flashback but this is not true.
Check valves are only designed to prevent high-pressure oxygen
from flowing into the natural gas pipe.
When a torch flashback happens there is a 5,000 degree flame inside the hose and pipe and it will melt right through a check valve. This allows the flame to reach all the way to the gas meter,
which explodes.
A flashback arrestor will extinguish this flame, as well as prevent
oxygen from getting into the gas pipe, and protect the gas meter.
Check valves only prevent
oxygen from flowing into the natural gas pipeline
Combination flashback arrestor check valves extinguish the 5,000 degree
flame from a flashback and
stop oxygen from flowing into the
natural gas pipe.
What Is A Torch Flashback, How Does It Happen And Why Is It So Dangerous?
Torch flashbacks happen when the tip of a jeweler’s torch is blocked. Because oxygen pressure is so much higher than natural gas pressure (natural gas pressure is ¼ psi and some jewelers set oxygen pressure as high as 70 psi), when the tip is blocked oxygen will flow into the city gas pipe.
If a spark gets into the tip as it is blocked you have all the elements for fire, fuel, heat and oxygen, inside the torch. A 5,000 degree flame burns through the hose and the pipe all the way to the gas meter, which explodes.
What does a gas meter explosion look like?
Working with a NYC gas utility and independent testing laboratory, several models of gas meters were subjected to torch flashbacks. Click on the YouTube link below to see what happens when a torch flashback reaches the gas meter.
When a torch flashback reaches
the gas meter it can explode violently
and pieces of the casing will fly
across the room, injuring anyone
working nearby
What Is The Difference Between "Torch Mount" And "Regulator Mount" Flashback Arrestor Check Valves?
Flashback arrestor check valves come in pairs; the piece with the red stripe goes on the natural gas pipe and the piece with the green stripe goes on the oxygen pipe.
There are two kinds of flashback arrestor check valves, “torch-mount” and “regulator-mount” and the difference is the direction the gas flows through them.
“Torch-mount” flashback arrestor check valves are designed to connect right onto the handle of a large casting or melting torch, as in the photo. If your torch has fittings that allow the flashback arrestor check valve to be screwed right on, then “torch-mount” flashback arrestor check valves are the right choice.
Torch-mount flashback arrestor check valves screw onto the torch handle itself then the red and green hose screw onto the flashback arrestor check valves.
“Regulator-mount” flashback arrestor check valves
will be the right choice for most bench jewelry
torches used in soldering and brazing.
In spite of being called “regulator-mount” these flashback
arrestor check valves actually connect to the black pipe under
the work bench, then the red and green hoses screw onto the
flashback arrestor check valves.
This allows the jeweler to use the torch with maximum flexibility
for fine, detailed work and keep the flashback arrestor check
valve away from the torch itself for easier torch handling.
Regulator-mount flashback arrestor check valves are connected to the black natural gas and oxygen pipes at each bench.
What To Do If The Flashback Arrester Prevents Your Torch From Lighting
Some jewelers will find that after the flashback arrestor check valve is installed their torches will not light at all, or the flame will be very weak. This happens because utility natural gas pressure in New York City is very low and the flashback arrestor check valve actually blocks gas flow.
If this happens the Fire Code says:
Where the pressure of the piped natural gas supply is insufficient to ensure such safe operation, approved equipment shall be provided between the gas meter and the fuel consuming appliance that increases pressure to the level required for such safe operation.
G-TEC Natural Gas Torch Boosters are Approved by the Fire Department and will elevate utility natural gas pressure enough so that the flashback arrestor check valve protects the gas meter and the jeweler has a hot, robust flame at the torch.
If you have questions about the New York City Fire Code or using G-TEC Torch Boosters in New York City contact G-TEC at 716-831-9695 or email info@gas-tec.com
Learn about the Advantages of High Pressure Natural Gas
G-TEC Torch Boosters are Easy To Install
Purchase a G-TEC Torch Booster
Torch Boosters are Approved across the US and Canada
Contact G-TEC with questions or to purchase a Torch Booster